With ensuing climate change issues, global warming and greenhouse gas effect, green hydrogen production is necessary to limit over-reliance on energy from fossil fuel, and speed up the transition to a ‘carbon-neutral’ society. Green hydrogen is key to unlocking a sustainable future for mankind.
Green hydrogen is produced by utilising renewable energy sources (wind or solar) for electrolysis, to separate water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen produced from water electrolysis releases only water, instead of carbon dioxide (CO2), when burned like oil or gas. Therefore, the utilisation of green hydrogen in different sectors would help the United Kingdom (UK) to meet its carbon emissions target. Unfortunately, there is no reservoir of hydrogen readily available. Hence, to use hydrogen, society must produce it.
In August 2021, the UK government published its first Hydrogen Strategy, setting a roadmap to achieve net-zero carbon emissions target by 2050 and produce 10GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030. While the hydrogen strategy positions the UK to become a global leader in the hydrogen economy, this target will only be a pipe dream without adequate action. Therefore, FUTEC Engineering Limited is supporting the UK government in transforming the economy and creating a sustainable future through advanced research in hydrogen production technology.